Saturday, April 11, 2009

Get to Know Me

I'm just a regular guy who is retired and wants to keep in touch with people that have known me or will know me in the future. My wife describes me as a "workaholic". I just like to be busy and like to do things for myself or others. My comfort level is maximized when I have all my things around me. Some would say that I'm a pack-rat. I have never liked winter all that much and now travel between north and south. I have not decided where I consider home, but navigate between Minnesota and Nevada. I always like to do things myself and ask for help as a last resort. Carpentry and woodworking is now my greatest joy, with making things grow is a close second. I ride cycle whenever possible and enjoy the freedom . EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN MY LIFE IS SEEN AS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ADVENTURE. I take chances because it gives me an upportunity to test myself and it gives me great satisfaction to overcome adversity. Doing things my way often becomes my goal and frustrates others. I like myself and can hardly wait for each day to start a new. I like church because it keeps my ambitions and my "darker" selfish side in check. I like the freedom from Government which I don't trust all that much.

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