Sunday, July 26, 2009

June in Audubon

Finally I now have my computer working at home and can take time to keep in touch. These pictures represent some of our our "June" in Audubon. We nurtured our flowers even though it was cold most of the month. Our daisies did well and could be found in large areas in our yard. I always mowed around them and will keep on doing it until they will wilt. We tried to go on the water as often as possible. We encountered this family of loons. They are so friendly and will let you get very close before diving down. We had Rennae's mom and dad out to visit. Brian who works nights, is good company when not sleeping. Patty and George (Patty is a classmate of Rennae from Williston ND days ) stopped by to visit. They live in Alaska , are retired and still do charter fishing every summer. They are visiting family and friends in the lower 48 states and travel in their rv. They also spend some of each winter in Arizona. There just aren't too many people left that like the cold of winter.

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